Self Service and Wash Dry Fold Laundry Services

Best Laundromat in
Puyallup, WA


Get a $1 Loyalty Credit when you add $20 to your loyalty card.

After 15 washes, get your next wash FREERegister your SpyderWash card 💳 today!

Best Laundromat in Puyallup, WA

Legacy Laundry | Puyallup, WA

721 River Road Puyallup, WA 98371

Get Directions

Phone: 253.446.6176 | Hours: Open Everyday: 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM (last load 5:30 PM)

A Kid Friendly Area
Free Wifi
Charging Stations
Soap for sale
Vending Machines

We’re open every day except Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Day

We take pride in providing a well-lit, secure facility you’ll enjoy visiting for your laundry services. You can pay with App, Cash/Coin, or Credit. Our facility is open seven days a week, 365 days a year, from 8:00 a.m until 7:00 p.m (last load 5:30 PM).

Call (253) 446-6176 today to learn more about our self-service laundromat in Puyallup, WA.

Ready to do laundry?


your SpyderWash card now.

Enjoy Laundry
at Legacy Laundry
in Puyallup, WA

Come experience a clean safe environment for the family. We have so many machines for you to choose from.

Typical Wash & Dry time is 75 minutes or less!

(8) 2-load washers
(11) 4-load washers
(4) 6-load washers
(24) 5-load dryers

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